
初夏到来 Summer has come!






このような環境のなか、今晩、こちらの民放放送で州知事が、遺伝子組み換えカノーラの生産を許可したそうで、来年には大手の企業とタイアップして量産すると宣言したのです。これは、ショックです。欧米のそれに似たことをなぜあえてしなければならないのか! 議論の余地がありそうです。

It's 31 degrees today.
Oh! my... ! I saw a mass of clouds in my backyard!! It was sooo huge!! I suppose this tells us summer has come again! BUT is this normal size? I am not a scientist so I cannot tell whether this is normal or not. After this shot we had a pouring in rain!! fantastic rain, we need more!!

The state government has now announced that it is going to introduce GM crops here in Victoria, Australia! I was surprised by the news as this state has been refusing to utilise any GM crops in the last 6 years or so they suddenly decided to invest more on the GM industry.... I am so dissapointed.

see you.









そのためにも? 僕らでできるベランダやお庭での菜園をしてみませんか?





Now in English!

David and Sue were very friendly without any constraint partially because they accepted any opinions made by us and well informed us with their plenty of knowledge and wisdom. Their place was located not far from the centre of Daylsford as a matter of fact is very close to a Japanese inn (we stayed there long time ago but still there) and was a very relaxing place surrounded by gum trees and their orchards. Although it was a hot day, David took us (approx 20) on his tour for 2 hours in the morning and another 2.5 hours in the afternoon. We also were overwhelmed by the information of the house and land by the time we finished the tour!

It was well evident that David and Sue keep working on their land according to the principles of permaculture, what I particularly remembered was: observe & interact; catch & store energy; and use edges and value the marginal.

When we looked at their house, the house was facing north so thermo mass is effectively used by providing a double grazed windows on the top and bottom of the house. The thickness of each glass is 6 mm and 10mm space between the two glasses. The eaves are slightly longer sticking out the house so the sun light would not come in the house much. If it does they use thick polycloth blind in the late afternoon.

They also use the oven with wood and/or common BBQ gas tank (lasts 18 months he said). The heat created by the oven would be created hot water and transferred to an old track generator to heat the room. There is a nob on the bottom of the radiator, and if you turn it with a L shape tool, warm air would be released and it is very effective!

The kitchen cupboard was like Petra’s and certainly lemons David took out from the cupboard were much lower than room temperature. They were also making cheese from their goats’ milk. Sue made us her cakes and (acacia caffeine-free) coffer which was tasted like coffee I liked very much. Sue also mentioned they have more Japanese visitors fro Japan and she told me “I thought I am more like Japanese” = “I like eating Japanese food”? I also noticed a postcard from Japan on the cupboard. They are also measuring room temperature as there was a written chart on the cupboard.

They certainly observed their land since they put concrete water tank on the top of the hilly land. The water is actually used for plants by distributing water dripping system. Their rainwater is drinkable so no need to boil it, although there may be small sediment in the water. They are still allowed to use the water from the city council but it contains too much chlorine so they wouldn’t like to use it much.

There was vegie patch just right in front of their house (Zone 1) but now they are self seeding. David told us they would make more edges using curves instead using railway sleeper so the patch would easily contain more water than the current patch. I heard they were away from the house in the last 6 months and the pathces were bit neglected.

They also use photovoltaic panels (7 of them) on the roof (see picture). I saw lots of air bents at the glass house and the top of the ceiling in order to circulate cool air from the bottom to the top of the house which is using low temperature radiancy. On the other hand, a heater releases hot air goes straight up but he doesn’t use the same stratification.

The house also doesn’t use much of pillar so sometimes there are cracks on the ground, etc. so they have to fix it which is inevitable he said.
Their cupboard with brown rice and pickles, also the sink was very compact with inventive dish rack but very convenient and efficient. This reminded me of my family kitchen.

When David took us around on their land, we saw his shed with composting toilet, branches for goats, chicken shed (crashed granite for bathing), water distribution system on the eaves of the shed in case of bush fire, his son working on the garden, macadamia, cherry trees, his idea turning the branches into charcoal, large tree usage, how to get rid of black berry using another ivy like plant, yellow bottle? gum tree (precious hard wood),
Ponds’ usage, etc.

He also mentioned his anarchistic attitude towards the city council??

Anyway, that’s all ? but not all we saw. Hope this read well.


地球温暖化防止ラリー Walk against warming!











The following links are in English (F.Y.I) ;-)



首相(豪)決定! New P.M in Aust!!


メディアを見る限り、豪州労働党が政権奪回すると考える。明日、24日の豪州総選挙投票日はもうカウントダウンとなって、メディアや庶民の間で話の種となっている。熱気が伝わってくる。僕は?といえば、市民権がないのでどうすることもできない。なぜって?市民権を日本政府が Double citizenshipを許さないからだ。 けど、自分の意見は公衆で言えるからいいかな?



しかし、最近、そのキャンペーンも虚しく、追い討ちをかけるように、ニューサウスウエールズの自由党議員候補のダンナが、「イスラム教徒移民反対」などのチラシを各家庭に配ったのが発覚して、ダンナが捕まった?!というハプニング!信じられない行為だ。これが明日の選挙に祟るかどうかは知らないが?(僕は知っている?)最後までがんばり続ける議員候補の奥さんが大変んだ? それはさておき、

この写真のお方は、ペニー・ウォング(温暖化対策省大臣)です。環境省大臣はピーター・ギャレット氏です。 今後この二人に「地球温暖化防止対策」を期待したいですね。

This is the greatest result on the federal election as Kevin completely defeated the Howard's
government!! I've mentioned something else in Japanese above but the main point is Kevin's
new government. As he signed up the Kyoto protocol, Australia became a part of Kyoto family now! and in three months Australia would receive a formal letter of acknowledgement from the congress.
The picture attached here is Ms Penny Wong (Minister of climate change) and Mr Peter Garrett (Minister of environment). Hope Australia will do something radical to the issues of
"climate change" or we will do something about it!!