This is a fantastic news re Nobel Prize winners!!! They're the real winners of the world peace.
I referred the following site an translated into Japanese.
IPCC expresses surprise and gratitude at announcement of Nobel Peace Prize より
IPCCは20年前から活動しているが、その関心はやはり人為的気候変動(anthropogenic climate change)にある。全気候機関やUNEPなどが均衡のとれた政策を提供している。2007年の気候変動会合で発表された評価報告書は、地球温暖化政策草案者に捧げたものと言えよう。それには膨大な科学的情報やそれらの根拠が示されている。11月17日にその「総合報告書」が提出されるであろう。
The following site has a slideshow:
I've already committed myself to sustainable living from "local to global". I'm aware that many food businesses need a lot of encouragement to reduce their emissions - by switching to energy-saving appliances, recycled/bio-degradable packaging, reducing water usage, or reducing the enormous amount of waste they send to landfill. I would like to help these businesses take pride in their role in reducing. What do you think? Are any other places doing this? Cheers!
豪州京都議定書に批准 Australia=Kyoto protocol?
豪州の環境大臣が直々に「オーストラリアは京都議定書に批准する可能性がある」という驚きの声明です。マルカム ターンブル大臣は、オーストラリアが環境保護を国際的に代弁する姿勢をみせたいし、これによって政府がアメリカのような先進国に対して温暖化ガス排出量のターゲット化を受け入れるようにしむけたいとする。
思うに、オーストラリアの環境大臣が京都議定書に批准するようなことを仄めかしたことについては地球温暖化防止について前向きに考えていることが伺える。(でもタスマニアの製材会社に関しては国民からは避難されているけど。)彼の今回の声明は、ただのバンドエード的なもので自分の政治生命を助長させるためだけのものでは終わってほしくない。 「Be climate clever」もスローガンとして最近打ち出してきてはいるもののはっきりとしたものが形として現れていないのも確かだ。もう焦って行動してもいいのではないかなあ〜?
Wednesday October 10, 12:24 PM
Australia Could Ratify Amended Kyoto, Environment Minister
SYDNEY, Oct 10 Asia Pulse - The Australian government might ratify an amended Kyoto Protocol, Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull says.
And in a move that would see Australia become an international advocate for environmental protection, the government could also press developed countries such as the United States to accept binding greenhouse gas emission targets.
Mr Turnbull told Fairfax Ltd that Australia's self-imposed targets meant it was in the national interest for other developed countries to do the same.
If an effective international agreement were reached through an amended version of the Kyoto Protocol, the coalition would be happy to commit to it, Mr Turnbull said.
"Australia is committed to a new, environmentally effective global agreement, and if it is global and effective and involves all the major emitters we would expect to sign it," he said.
"Whether this new agreement is done by amending the Kyoto Protocol or by entering into a new protocol with another name remains to be seen - but that is a question of process only."
The comments come after leading scientist Professor Tim Flannery said a report due out next month shows Australia's greenhouse gas emissions had already reached levels that would cause dangerous changes to the climate.
豪州の環境大臣が直々に「オーストラリアは京都議定書に批准する可能性がある」という驚きの声明です。マルカム ターンブル大臣は、オーストラリアが環境保護を国際的に代弁する姿勢をみせたいし、これによって政府がアメリカのような先進国に対して温暖化ガス排出量のターゲット化を受け入れるようにしむけたいとする。
思うに、オーストラリアの環境大臣が京都議定書に批准するようなことを仄めかしたことについては地球温暖化防止について前向きに考えていることが伺える。(でもタスマニアの製材会社に関しては国民からは避難されているけど。)彼の今回の声明は、ただのバンドエード的なもので自分の政治生命を助長させるためだけのものでは終わってほしくない。 「Be climate clever」もスローガンとして最近打ち出してきてはいるもののはっきりとしたものが形として現れていないのも確かだ。もう焦って行動してもいいのではないかなあ〜?
Wednesday October 10, 12:24 PM
Australia Could Ratify Amended Kyoto, Environment Minister
SYDNEY, Oct 10 Asia Pulse - The Australian government might ratify an amended Kyoto Protocol, Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull says.
And in a move that would see Australia become an international advocate for environmental protection, the government could also press developed countries such as the United States to accept binding greenhouse gas emission targets.
Mr Turnbull told Fairfax Ltd that Australia's self-imposed targets meant it was in the national interest for other developed countries to do the same.
If an effective international agreement were reached through an amended version of the Kyoto Protocol, the coalition would be happy to commit to it, Mr Turnbull said.
"Australia is committed to a new, environmentally effective global agreement, and if it is global and effective and involves all the major emitters we would expect to sign it," he said.
"Whether this new agreement is done by amending the Kyoto Protocol or by entering into a new protocol with another name remains to be seen - but that is a question of process only."
The comments come after leading scientist Professor Tim Flannery said a report due out next month shows Australia's greenhouse gas emissions had already reached levels that would cause dangerous changes to the climate.
Be climate clever?気候変動対策?
今になってなぜ? と思ったけど何もしないよりは良いのかもしれない。
環境水源省のマルカムターンブル氏のメッセージがこの小雑誌にはあるけど、 一般的なことしか述べられていない。 一家族毎年排出する二酸化炭素量は、約14トン、それをどのような方法で削減したら良いかなどの項目が掲げられている。これらは、 もうご存知の家庭内での節電。
最後のベージには、いろいろのリベート(払い戻し)について説明がある。例えば、太陽光熱湯機器システム類には1000ドルほど、公共施設、学校、自治体施設に使われる太陽光発電パネルに対しては、8000ドル、政府は、教育機関に対して 太陽光発電パネルや貯水タンク設置に5万ドル!!の贈与券を発給することも述べられている。これは案外魅力的かな?
アメリカのブッシュ政権もそうですが、こちらの政権も交代の声が聞こえるせいか?? 今、「地球温暖化」を無視すると国民投票に響くことも確かなので先手をうってか? このような策に転じたものだとも思ったりしますが、どうでしょう?
さあ、明日からはもう10月! 中旬にはクリスマスの広告が見られるようになrますが、皆さんは今年の残りの数ヶ月をいかが過ごされますか?
I received the following brochure (see link) when we had look at this morning newspaper.
Although Australia hasn't ratified the Kyoto protocol yet, it stated talking about it and trying to introduce some kinds of solutions for the "climate change"??? The government now introduces new rebate systems for water tanks, renewable energy,etc. We've had our water tank in the last 7 years an just changed the light bulbs to flurescence lights! Do you think this is going to be considered "carbon neutral"?
Australian Government Sept 19th
"Be climate clever"
今になってなぜ? と思ったけど何もしないよりは良いのかもしれない。
環境水源省のマルカムターンブル氏のメッセージがこの小雑誌にはあるけど、 一般的なことしか述べられていない。 一家族毎年排出する二酸化炭素量は、約14トン、それをどのような方法で削減したら良いかなどの項目が掲げられている。これらは、 もうご存知の家庭内での節電。
最後のベージには、いろいろのリベート(払い戻し)について説明がある。例えば、太陽光熱湯機器システム類には1000ドルほど、公共施設、学校、自治体施設に使われる太陽光発電パネルに対しては、8000ドル、政府は、教育機関に対して 太陽光発電パネルや貯水タンク設置に5万ドル!!の贈与券を発給することも述べられている。これは案外魅力的かな?
アメリカのブッシュ政権もそうですが、こちらの政権も交代の声が聞こえるせいか?? 今、「地球温暖化」を無視すると国民投票に響くことも確かなので先手をうってか? このような策に転じたものだとも思ったりしますが、どうでしょう?
さあ、明日からはもう10月! 中旬にはクリスマスの広告が見られるようになrますが、皆さんは今年の残りの数ヶ月をいかが過ごされますか?
I received the following brochure (see link) when we had look at this morning newspaper.
Although Australia hasn't ratified the Kyoto protocol yet, it stated talking about it and trying to introduce some kinds of solutions for the "climate change"??? The government now introduces new rebate systems for water tanks, renewable energy,etc. We've had our water tank in the last 7 years an just changed the light bulbs to flurescence lights! Do you think this is going to be considered "carbon neutral"?
Australian Government Sept 19th
"Be climate clever"
Al Gore's speech in Aust アルゴア氏熱演(豪)
アル ゴア氏 熱演
過去3週間に 北極圏 にて 融けた氷のサイズは先例がない。6日間にフロリダ州とほぼ同じサイズの氷が消滅した。その一週前には、イギリスの2倍ほどの大きさの氷も消滅している。これは、前回の予測よりも10倍の速さだ。それに詳しい専門家は、*「今、何か地球温暖化対策をしないとこれから23年以内にすべての氷冠が完全消滅する」と言う。
Mr Al Gore (AG hereafter) again visited Australia for his speech "climate change". He apparently stayed in Sydney and Melbourne for a couple of days and went back to the US for another BIG congress meeting as you probably know.
AG discussed about the issues with Mr Kevin Rudd if Australia ratifies Kyoto Protocol, soon America is going to be pressured
and it is hard to avoid the ratification. AG also mentioned a massive of ice just disappeared from the arctic and it is 10 times faster than what the scientists predicted.
AG raised his voice amost to a shout, he said climate change was not scientific, political or ideological. “It is about survival.”
What do you think?
過去3週間に 北極圏 にて 融けた氷のサイズは先例がない。6日間にフロリダ州とほぼ同じサイズの氷が消滅した。その一週前には、イギリスの2倍ほどの大きさの氷も消滅している。これは、前回の予測よりも10倍の速さだ。それに詳しい専門家は、*「今、何か地球温暖化対策をしないとこれから23年以内にすべての氷冠が完全消滅する」と言う。
Mr Al Gore (AG hereafter) again visited Australia for his speech "climate change". He apparently stayed in Sydney and Melbourne for a couple of days and went back to the US for another BIG congress meeting as you probably know.
AG discussed about the issues with Mr Kevin Rudd if Australia ratifies Kyoto Protocol, soon America is going to be pressured
and it is hard to avoid the ratification. AG also mentioned a massive of ice just disappeared from the arctic and it is 10 times faster than what the scientists predicted.
AG raised his voice amost to a shout, he said climate change was not scientific, political or ideological. “It is about survival.”
What do you think?
アル・ゴア氏労働党党首と懇談 Al Gore met Kevin Rudd in Australia
9月23日 (日)
I referred to the following site:http://abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/09/23/2040813.htm
Mr Rudd says Australia's failure to ratify the Kyoto protocol means it does not have voting rights at the December meeting of the UN framework convention on climate change in Bali.
He says ratification is long overdue.
"We would have been 11 years or a decade at least down the track towards substantive diplomatic engagement on bringing the Chinese on board, on bringing the Indians on board, on working with our friends in Washington to bring America on board and to work out the practical strategies necessary," he said.
"But instead we've had a decade of denial on climate change."
Mr Gore has welcomed Mr Rudd's pledge to ratify the protocol, and says it would put overwhelming pressure on America to do the same.
But he stopped short of endorsing Mr Rudd for prime minister.
"If I were a citizen of Australia and cared deeply about the climate crisis I would pay very careful attention to the fact that there is a clear and stark difference in the positions of the two candidates," he said.
"One supports ratification of the world treaty to solve the climate crisis and the other opposes it. That would weigh very heavily on my vote."
He says ratification is long overdue.
"We would have been 11 years or a decade at least down the track towards substantive diplomatic engagement on bringing the Chinese on board, on bringing the Indians on board, on working with our friends in Washington to bring America on board and to work out the practical strategies necessary," he said.
"But instead we've had a decade of denial on climate change."
Mr Gore has welcomed Mr Rudd's pledge to ratify the protocol, and says it would put overwhelming pressure on America to do the same.
But he stopped short of endorsing Mr Rudd for prime minister.
"If I were a citizen of Australia and cared deeply about the climate crisis I would pay very careful attention to the fact that there is a clear and stark difference in the positions of the two candidates," he said.
"One supports ratification of the world treaty to solve the climate crisis and the other opposes it. That would weigh very heavily on my vote."
Self introduction 【自己紹介】
私は、豪州の大学機関で働いているため自分なりに交流プログラムを企画した経験があります。 そこで、今後は「環境」への取り組みで日豪間/世界の架け橋的役割ができればと考えています。
Thanks for reading my blog. I’ve been living in Australia for more than 23 years and I’ve always felt this country’s wilderness is overwhelming and so heals my soul. However the wilderness itself has been deteriorating rapidly and we know we have to do something about it.
具体案としては、環境教育科目を設けている豪州と日本の学校、大学機関、環境教育機関、又は、産学間の連携が可能かどうかを模索しています。もし可能であれば、協調学習の一環でプロジェクトを組み持続的に交流を深めることも考えられます。さらにそれが、異文化交流、国際理解教育そして、国際的環境保全の啓発へと波及することを願っています。 As I’ve been involved in developing exchange and internship programs between Universities and companies, I thought another type of exchange would be done by raising awareness of climate change and alternative technologies, etc. In order to do this, I thought developing collaborative studies or technologies (or businesses) among people from all over the world would be very effective to make some solutions for global warming. This would also lead to cross-cultural communication and understanding.
The following is just a gist of my career:
· Approximately 20 years’ experience of teaching, curriculum development and research in the areas of Japanese Language and Culture, and Linguistics.
· Sound knowledge of language teaching methodologies and the requirements of students of a range of age groups and learning levels.
· Committed to promoting and researching cross-cultural understanding/communication
between Japanese and other nationalities.
· Extensive experience in business, industry and tourism promotion
· Strong interest in multimedia and the Internet
I also completed PDC (Permaculture Design Course). I met and learnt tremendously from many types of people through the studies so I thought this type of learning on environmental studies would create international grassroots human relationship and future businesses.
Hope you would join this community and looking forward to hearing from you.
Akkun 世界環境&気候アクションネットワーク
The World Environment-Climate Action Network (通称 – The WECAN)
http://www.thewecan.org-a.googlepages.com/home (URL)
http://thewecan.blogspot.com/ (Blog)
Australia オーストラリア在住
私は、豪州の大学機関で働いているため自分なりに交流プログラムを企画した経験があります。 そこで、今後は「環境」への取り組みで日豪間/世界の架け橋的役割ができればと考えています。
Thanks for reading my blog. I’ve been living in Australia for more than 23 years and I’ve always felt this country’s wilderness is overwhelming and so heals my soul. However the wilderness itself has been deteriorating rapidly and we know we have to do something about it.
具体案としては、環境教育科目を設けている豪州と日本の学校、大学機関、環境教育機関、又は、産学間の連携が可能かどうかを模索しています。もし可能であれば、協調学習の一環でプロジェクトを組み持続的に交流を深めることも考えられます。さらにそれが、異文化交流、国際理解教育そして、国際的環境保全の啓発へと波及することを願っています。 As I’ve been involved in developing exchange and internship programs between Universities and companies, I thought another type of exchange would be done by raising awareness of climate change and alternative technologies, etc. In order to do this, I thought developing collaborative studies or technologies (or businesses) among people from all over the world would be very effective to make some solutions for global warming. This would also lead to cross-cultural communication and understanding.
The following is just a gist of my career:
· Approximately 20 years’ experience of teaching, curriculum development and research in the areas of Japanese Language and Culture, and Linguistics.
· Sound knowledge of language teaching methodologies and the requirements of students of a range of age groups and learning levels.
· Committed to promoting and researching cross-cultural understanding/communication
between Japanese and other nationalities.
· Extensive experience in business, industry and tourism promotion
· Strong interest in multimedia and the Internet
I also completed PDC (Permaculture Design Course). I met and learnt tremendously from many types of people through the studies so I thought this type of learning on environmental studies would create international grassroots human relationship and future businesses.
Hope you would join this community and looking forward to hearing from you.
Akkun 世界環境&気候アクションネットワーク
The World Environment-Climate Action Network (通称 – The WECAN)
http://www.thewecan.org-a.googlepages.com/home (URL)
http://thewecan.blogspot.com/ (Blog)
Australia オーストラリア在住
TheWECAN Information 情報交換の場
通称 Akkun より 9月 2007年
We often hear about climtae change through the media but we are in a position that we have to do something about it NOW. We thought about a website and blog where everyone from overseas could discuss and study the issues and exchange our knowledge through meeting up in virtual site or face-to-face.
If you would like to join this community, please come to the following site and kindly e-mail us your background first then I will ask you to participate in our SNS. People who participate in this cmmunity would like to exchange environmetal issues and studies all over the world including Japan & Australia. We would like to have more participants from other countries as well! Let's heal the earth together!!
My name is Akkun. I was born in Japan but I've been living in Australia for 23 years.
I've finished my degrees here and also permaculture design course!
Looking forward to hearing from you! ^^
投稿 (Atom)